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Education Resources

Below is a list of resources that can help you manage your post stroke recovery.  This is not a full list of what is available online and in your community but serves as a starting point.   

During your hospital stay, a staff member may speak to you about repatriation to your home hospital.  Repatriation means that you will be moved to a stroke unit in a hospital near your home. This process was designed so other people who may need the specialized services from the Regional Stroke Centres can also receive it.  A brochure explaining the process is available below. Click on the red text to access your preferred language: 

Click on the red text to access a checklist:

Post stroke checklist: a simple and easy to use tool that helps persons with stroke, family members, caregivers and/or healthcare providers identify changes and problems that need to be discussed and/or addressed.

Enabling self-management following stroke: a checklist for patients, families, and caregivers: designed to support those who are transitioning home after a stay in hospital. It provides tips to help guide recovery after stroke while aligning to Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations.

The stroke prevention clinic patient summary: a tool you can bring to a stroke prevention clinic appointment to track personalized information about your diagnosis, risk factors and plan of care.

Virtual (online) healthcare checklist: a guide that will help you make the most of your virtual appointments. 

Click on the red text to access the resource:

Stroke in Young Adults: A Resource for Patients and Families: this booklet is for young adults, their families and caregivers. 

Young Stroke Survivors Podcast – A Journey into Stroke Recovery: come and listen to other survivors and life partners share their stories, challenges and successes. In this first episode, a young stroke survivor named Perry details the experience of his stroke and the changes to his life afterwards.

Click on the red text to access the resource:

Sinai Health – Stroke Education Series: created by Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital, part of Sinai Health, in collaboration with patients, families and caregivers.  The 6 videos offer practical information and tips about recovering after having a stroke. 

Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery - Self Management Videos: video series developed by the Calgary Stroke Program in partnership with Heart & Stroke. Resource sheets have been tailored for Ontarians and are available under each video. 

Living with Stroke Series: this video series from the Heart & Stroke, includes information from various professionals that may be part of the care team, along with stroke survivor stories. 

In 2024, The South East Toronto Stroke Network launched a multilingual radio campaign to help spread education on stroke prevention and awareness to diverse communities across Toronto.  Topics include:

  • Recognizing stroke signs and symptoms
  • Importance of calling 911
  • Lifestyle changes for stroke prevention

Below are the links to the recordings of the radio segments. 

Click on the red text to listen:

1) Dr. Jeffery Wang - 中文 (Mandarin)

2) Dr. Alexandra Muccilli - Français (French)
3) Dr. Manav Vyas - हिंदी (Hindi)
4) Dr. Gustavo Saposnik - Español (Spanish)

Click on the red text to access the website:

Heart and Stroke: this site offers information about stroke, heart disease, surgeries and treatments.

Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: provide up-to-date evidence-based guidelines for the prevention and management of stroke, and to promote recovery and reintegration for people who have experienced stroke (patients, families and informal caregivers). 

Stroke Engine: this site reviews assessment tools useful in stroke rehabilitation. It includes information about the impact of stroke and resources for patients and families.